Artswork / Opportunities / Thu 03 Nov 2011
Artswork Strategic Managers (4 posts)

Strategic Managers (4 posts) Salary £34K to £39K
National youth arts development agency Artswork will become an Arts Council England Bridge Organisation from April 2012 to 2015. We will be working in the South East region to improve the delivery of arts and cultural opportunities for children and young people (ACE Goal 5). Artswork wishes to appoint 4 senior arts/cultural professionals as Strategic Managers to lead on the development and delivery of the Artswork Bridge SE role and its aims and objectives across the region.
Closing date for applications: Wednesday 16th November 2011 (12:30 pm)
Interviews: 7th, 13th or 14th December (in Southampton)
For full details and application form contact: Tanya Roberts tanya@artswork.org.uk
Website: www.artswork.org.uk
Please note that CV’s will not be accepted
For more information visit http://www.artswork.org.uk/
Opportunity Location
Website: http://www.artswork.org.uk/