Artsreach Dorset / Opportunities / Fri 07 Sep 2018
Exciting Commission Opportunity For Artist/Designer

Artsreach has recently been awarded Arts Council support to help with our fundraising.
One of the strands of the bid is creating donation boxes that will be at our events where we will encourage our audiences to donate money in donation envelopes or loose change. We would like the boxes to reflect a sense of place and the rural environment of our venues as well as being quirky, fun and appealing. We are seeking to commission a designer/artist to design and produce donation boxes that are:
Artsreach branded
Distinctive and individual
Easily stored and carried
Robust and strong
To be sealed temporarily and therefore have a slot large enough for our donation envelopes which measures 10cm wide.
Reflect the range and quality of our work
Designers/artists are invited to apply and a committee will invite 5 selected designers/artists to submit more in-depth designs for a fee of £200 each. These will be considered carefully and the artist who is successful at this stage will then be invited to work up their proposal of the design and make up 20 boxes, each to be given a small individual twist in. There is total design and production budget for boxes of £2500.
Your initial application should include a short C.V. together with some examples of your work and a very rough outline of how you would meet the specifications of the brief. These initial ideas only need to be in simple sketch form.
Please email your initial proposals to yvonne@artsreach.co.uk by Friday 7th September and from then our selection committee will look at the applications and select 5 designers to develop their designs to a further stage.
For more information visit https://artsreach.co.uk/news/artsreach-artist-designer-opportunity
Opportunity Location
The Little Keep
Barrack Road
Telephone: 01305 269 512
Email: yvonne@artsreach.co.uk
Website: https://artsreach.co.uk/news/artsreach-artist-designer-opportunity