Westgate Leisure PO19 1RJ The Chichester Experience

Westgate Leisure Centre, Chichester PO19 1RJ is the venue of Arts and Craft in Action on Sunday 19th October 2014, at which over 50 local and invited artists and craftsmen will be demonstrating their work, from 11am to 4pm.

Standard admission £5, concessions £3.

You will be able to experience art close up, and ask questions of fine artists, illustrators, sculptors, potters and ceramicists, wood carvers and wood turners, embroiderers, fabric workers, quilters, jewellers and glass workers, all demonstrating their own work. Items are available to buy.

The event is managed by the Rotary Club of Chichester.

View my website http://www.arts-and-craft-in-action.org.uk/

My Location

Arts and Craft in Action

Westgate Leisure Centre
PO19 1RJ

Telephone: 01243 537 692
Email: nmproctor@btinternet.com
Website: http://www.arts-and-craft-in-action.org.uk/

Profile Details


Arts and Crafts

My Opportunities

Arts and Craft in Action / Mon 15 Sep 2014

Arts and Craft in Action brings together over 50 local and invited artists and craftsmen demonstrating their own work at Westgate Leisure Centre, Chic...
