Artizan / Events / Tue 17 Nov to Sat 05 Dec 2015 (3 weeks)
Season of Colour - An Exhibition of Abstract Works at Artizan Ga

This three week exhibition of abstract works will bring a splash of colour to the gallery before we head into a grey winter. Featuring artists Michael McCord, Eileen Jackman and Lynn Sherrard with additional artists displaying in the café.
Michael McCord
Eileen Jackman
Lynn Sherrard
F G Davis
Sandra Lissenden
Sarah Dyble
Tim Ridley
Ruta Lukoseviciute
Sue Williamson
For more information visit http://www.artizangallery.co.uk/
Event Location
Artizan Gallery
7 artizan gallery
Lucius street
Telephone: 01803 428 626
Email: jacobbrandon@artizangallery.co.uk
Website: http://www.artizangallery.co.uk/