Cocktails and Conversation
June 1st // 18:30-20:30
Join us for a networking event without the early start! Artizan Gallery welcomes you to the 2018 season of Cocktails and Conversation.
About the Evening
Tickets include a welcome “Bubbles” Cocktail and drinks token for a second drink from the menu. Every month, we’ll have a new menu of four cocktails, all designed by our mixologists to complement the exhibition. We’ll be picking a different spirit each time and non-alcoholic options will also be available.
About our Speaker
This months speaker will be Carolyn Custerson, Chief Executive of the new English Riviera Bid Company. With over 35 years’ experience working in the UK tourism industry, Carolyn was appointed to this new post in January 2017. The Company is Torbay's official Destination Marketing Organisation
with the responsibility of promoting and monitoring the our tourism offer both across the UK and Internationally.
Carolyn will be telling us how plans are progressing now that the BID Company is into it’s second year, what innovations have already been introduced and the impact that they are having on Tourism in the Bay. She will also tell us about some key events happening here in 2018 that we can all get involved with either as businesses directly working in tourism or as those who provide crucial services to those businesses.
About the Exhibition
Devon artist Sue Luxton joins Artizan Gallery in June for an exhibition of recent works based on drawings made on a small Greek Island in the Dodecanese, a destination often visited
Painting now for over 20 years Sue produces scenes captured in sketchbooks from her travels, often recalling scenes for a work many years after they were first drawn. Some observations, people in particular, are revisited time and time again. Subjects and lives from London, New York Tokyo and many other cities reside in these pages, waiting to be found at the right moment.
For more information visit https://www.art-hub.co.uk/events-1/june-cocktails-conversation
Event Location
Artizan Gallery
7 Lucius Street
Telephone: 01803 428 626
Email: juliebrandon@artizangallery.co.uk
Website: https://www.art-hub.co.uk/events-1/june-cocktails-conversation