Artizan / Events / Tue 16 Apr to Sat 04 May 2019 (3 weeks)
"I happen to be here"

Jeremy Diggle presents a selection of recent paintings and prints that represent current work from the studio in his exhibition, “I happen to be here”.
Jeremy has exhibited widely both at home and abroad and has featured in exhibitions at institutions such as the ICA, Tate Liverpool, The Arnolfini, The Royal Academy and Bloomberg Space. He has works held in private and public collections internationally including the V&A.
In this two-part exhibition, paintings and prints derive from his interests in the environment, geopolitics, pollution and technology. This current series offers an abstract exploration of colour composition, performance and time-based mark making in the context of mapping, measurement and observation, in relation to narratives of navigation, exploration and scientific enquiry.
“The making process is not a subjective self-expressionistic action, but a narratively expressionistic act, within a conscious and objective process of the performance of the composition. The practice is analogous to making and performing a musical composition.”
Jeremy Diggle is an abstract painter who also works across a multiplicity of media in old and new technologies, whose process involves the performance of mark making within a temporal relationship to the construction of the colour composition and represent an ongoing and consistent interest in a narrative, that emerges from living within a time of profound technological change.
“I have, by an accident of birth grown up in the relative peace and prosperity of post war Western Europe and have been able to straddle the transit-line or prime meridian between a machine age and a space age, between the analogue and the digital. As the exhibition title expresses, “I happen to be here”.
“I happen to be here” will launch on April 18th, 18:00-20:00 providing an opportunity to meet Jeremy. Please contact the gallery if you would like to attend.
For more information visit https://www.art-hub.co.uk/jd19
Event Location
Artizan Gallery
7 Lucius Street
Telephone: 01803 428 626
Email: juliebrandon@artizangallery.co.uk
Website: https://www.art-hub.co.uk/jd19