Artizan / Events / Tue 28 Feb to Sat 25 Mar 2017 (4 weeks)
Jim Doran - Seven Days on Dartmoor

Artizan welcomes Torbay based artist Jim Doran to the gallery for the first time.
This show will take you on journey as we explore the many different genres and styles that Jim has worked in over the last 30 years.
Jim will also be showing a series of work based on a more recent walk that he did across Dartmoor over seven days and nights.
"Some years ago, I walked across Dartmoor for seven days and nights as part of a charity fundraiser. Along the way, I sketched scenes which would have been impossible to capture on a simple day trip. Seven Days on Dartmoor encapsulates and portrays some of the magic, mystery, and majesty I witnessed in the wilderness."
Exhibition Runs from 28th February - 25th March
Private View : Friday 3rd March
For more information visit http://www.artizangallery.co.uk/article/387-jim-doran
Event Location
Artizan Gallery
7 Lucius Street
Telephone: 01803 428 626
Email: juliebrandon@artizangallery.co.uk
Website: http://www.artizangallery.co.uk/article/387-jim-doran