Artizan / Opportunities / Thu 26 Jun 2014
UPCOMING: Participants Wanted for Photography Exhibition

For just over a week, starting on June 27th, Artizan Gallery will be running a photographic exhibition and is looking for four artists to exhibit on the wall space. Each space will be charged at £30 with an optional browser charged at £5. The floorspace will be available for all mediums as usual but browsers will similarly be restricted to photographic work (charged separately at £10). 30% commission will be taken on all works. Please get in touch if you would be interested in exhibiting.
For more information visit http://www.artizangallery.co.uk/
Opportunity Location
7, Lucius Street
Telephone: 01803 428 626
Email: juliebrandon@artizangallery.co.uk
Website: http://www.artizangallery.co.uk/