A Postcard from Devon
Throughout November Artizan Gallery will be exhibiting at Prospero House, London with 20 Devon based artists. In addition to this we will be running a feature entitled “A Postcard from Devon”, an anonymous display of small original pieces which will be available to bid on throughout the event. At the end of the month the winning bids will be revealed and work delivered to winners with any promotional material provided by the artist. Where permission is given, contact information for buyers will be given to the artist whose work was purchased. This is a great opportunity for artists to be matched with collectors who appreciate their work. We anticipate our London venue will receive footfall of up to 500 individuals daily from top 100 companies based in London. The opportunity is free but pieces are considered donations.
A minimum bid of £25 will be set which will be recovered by the gallery. The minimum bid will be recovered as costs and anything over this figure will be split fifty-fifty between the gallery and Rowcroft Hospice. As well as being displayed at the venue pieces can also be bid on online at Artizan’s dedicated website for the event. We will display how many bids have been placed on a piece of work but the value of these bids will be concealed.
For more information visit http://www.artizangallery.co.uk/article/257-torbay-to-london
Opportunity Location
Artizan Gallery & Cafe
7 Lucius Street
Telephone: 01803 428 626
Email: juliebrandon@artizangallery.co.uk
Website: http://www.artizangallery.co.uk/article/257-torbay-to-london