We're excited to now be taking bookings for 2017 and announce that we will be running a solo series across four spaces in two venues. We're looking for artists of all abilities to participate and welcome speculative booking forms. You can follow the link below for a booking form and read more about the plans below!
Artizan has been open for nearly two and half years now, running a range of stewarded, self-stewarded, group, solo, open and mixed exhibitions. We’ve learnt a lot along the way, developed and expanded the space and built a great local and national following.
With the offer of three spaces at the gallery for 2017 including the new rear gallery at Artizan and our basement space next year is going to be bigger and better and we’re trying something a little bit different; The 2017 Solo Series.
The model for the year will see the three main gallery spaces each play host to one artist providing a full showcase of their work in a solo exhibition. These solo shows will be complimented by two open exhibitions in July and December into which all artists booking solo exhibitions will be automatically entered.
We’ve decided to run this model based on the success of solo exhibitions and shows featuring a smaller number of artists and we believe it represents the best opportunity for us to support our local artists. Feedback from regular and seasonal customers has suggested that our visitors want to explore a fuller body of an artist’s work and the early success of our Garden Gallery (where we have trialed this) has shown it to be popular. Additionally, in having a smaller number of artists in each exhibition we hope to offer more focused promotional work and provide a greater array of digital and print content to engage our audience and client base.
With the continued provision of two annual open exhibitions and the offer of new and diverse spaces to display work, 2017 promises to raise our ability to support the local artistic community.
For more information visit http://www.artizangallery.co.uk/WhatsOn/bookingform2017.docx
Opportunity Location
Arizan Gallery
7 Lucius Street
Telephone: 01803 428 626
Email: juliebrandon@artizangallery.co.uk
Website: http://www.artizangallery.co.uk/WhatsOn/bookingform2017.docx