I just made a couple of miniature shoes out of seaweed gathered on a local beach.
See image bank. While playing on the beach I discovered the origins of the "flip flop". A piece of kelp root fits snuggly between the big toe and its neighbour. The long bands of kelp can be plaited and form the " thongs" of the flipflop. I now need to discover a way to attach these to a seaweed sole.
" Approaching Agency: A leap into other worlds" is my latest action - research led project. Unusually for me this project has a written component springing from the need a requirement of my M.A Arts and Ecology at Dartington. Determined to push the boundaries of what is acceptable science/academia I used some unusual ways of generating data! I experimented with innovative techniques that allow "things" themselves to "talk" has led some exciting and edgy events and creative use of writing styles.
This is Old but interesting news.... !!
If You'd Like to... Bristol was at home in Arnolfini bookshop between 1- 5 October and on Tuesday 3rd October Anna and Claire's characterful interactive audio piece was trollied out for a performative stroll around the busy port area to meet the people. The public said....
" I've had the best time since i found a tenner in Emily's disco." giant of a man outside Arnolfini
" Thats crazy it's like a massive phone isn't it?" man on a bike
" It's agravating, I really want it to work, I wanna skate" teenage girl
" I feel like I'm on an LSD trip" middle-aged man
" But how can I make a sandwhich?" city slicker woman
Approaching an Exchange: Dartmoor, a film was screened at Cube Microplex cinema as part of Divergence n50.26 w03.41; The M.A Arts and Ecology Dartington College of Arts graduate show, Bristol.
For more information visit http://web.me.com/a.keleher/Site/Making_Stuff_pics.html