Anna Keleher / Events / Thu 20 Sep 2012 to Sun 06 Jan 2013 (4 months)
ISEA 2012-13 Re-envisioning Art, Technology and Nature

ISEA 2012-13 Re-envisioning Art, Technology and Nature
Symposium + Collaboration
West Country Artist Anna Keleher and her New Mexican collaborator Claire Cots have been chosen to show at the prestigious international ISEA which is held every year in a different location around the world, and has a 30-year history of significant acclaim.
This years symposium " Machine Wilderness" and a series of supporting events exploring the discourse of global proportions on the subject of art and technology is to take place in Albuquerque new Mexico this autumn.
Anna and Claire's are thrilled that their work If you'd like to .. Albuquerque is to be part of main "Machine Wilderness Exhibition" at 516 ARTS, Albuquerque, Sept 20th - 6th Jan 2012
For more information visit http://www.isea2012.org/
Event Location
Website: http://www.isea2012.org/