Artists Anna Keleher and Claire Coté and their little Place-Dreamer Pod are home after a month long launch journey to the homeplace of Radio Dreaming.
Inhabiting their Geopark dream has been fun, engaging and rewarding. Novel encounters with audience participants have included honey bees, Jehova Witnesses and an upturned boat.
Though they were rained on quite a bit, their big thank you to the people, places, creatures and things of Marble Arch Caves Global Geopark left them with an inspiring afterglow.
¨ its definitely been worth the effort and all the hassles with funding. Our solar panels worked a treat and it has is been a fabulous way to celebrate Cultural heritage, Geology and the Arts. ¨
For more information visit http://www.dreamingplace.eu/
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Website: http://www.dreamingplace.eu/