Anna Keleher / News / Thu 10 Nov 2011
60wrd/min Art critic reviews DREAMING PLACE

Chicago art critic Lori Waxman is a masterful writer of reviews. Now editors of Axis webzine and Art Diary " Isendyouthis" have turned the tables, inviting Geopark artist Anna Keleher to respond to Lori's review of her blog.
How does Anna respond to Lori's 60 wrd-min review?
Lori´s review of Anna and Claire ´s DREAMING PLACE blog. www.dreamingplace.eu
¨For a biblical forty days and forty nights, Anna Keleher and
her collaborator Claire Coté gave up their own dreamtime to
wonder about the visions of the verdant Irish landscape
sheltering them in Marble Caves Geopark. Does the land dream
through us, they asked, eschewing the more obvious question of
whether the land dreams at all. Artists from the Surrealists
on have experimented with the effects of site on human sleep,
but Keleher and Coté accomplish a critical twist by imbuing
the land itself with the ability to dream, and by suggesting
that we might impact it. The drawings they’ve produced to
illustrate these earthy dreams would perhaps be more dreamlike
if the artists had devised a means of collaborating not just
with one another but with the trees and foliage and dirt, as
they come close to doing in a blog image of a farmer spinning
twine from hay still attached to the ground. ¨
—Lori Waxman
For more information visit http://www.isendyouthis.com/artdiary.aspx?id=135