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Amy wilson

Amy wilson / Images

Handweaving Courses & Classes

Handweaving Courses & Classes

We can offer a range of weaving workshops to suit beginners & improvers including...

An Introduction to weaving
Dressing the loom & designing a warp for weaving
Design Inspiration & sketchbook work
Creative weaving - Working with texture & exploring yarn types/properties.
Exploring basic weave structures.
Pattern weaves - stripes, checks & pattern picks.
Weaving Artwork with unusual materials - raffia, rag, wire, veneer strips
Portfolio help - learn new skills to improve your portfolio of textile related work.

Half day/evening workshops - Introduction for beginners with pre-set up looms & all materials included
£25 (based on a group of 6 people)

Creative workshops start
From *£15 per person (based on a group booking of 8-12 people)

**special prices** available when you book two or more workshops at the same time.

Please contact us if you would like a price for a group workshop,
*Please note there may be an additional fee for materials for larger project weaving / workshops where several warp types/yarns are being explored - I will always ensure you are aware of this at the time of booking.*

For more information visit

Image Location

Liliane Textiles

43 London Road Industrial Estate

Telephone: 07917 542 405

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