alicebradshaw / Opportunities / Mon 19 Sep 2016
Open Call for Art Works made from Discarded Materials

What: Open call for a group show and artist's micro residency working with discarded objects as raw material: Everyday rubbish, collected detritus, daily discards, charity shopped, skip raided and freecycled objects. All media considered (sculptural, installation, print, video, sound, performances, etc).
When: Brighouse Festival 2016 (22 – 29 October)
1. TBC window view only empty shop space/s in Brighouse town centre with an additional possibility of a sale on the last Saturday of the festival.
2. Public spaces (on the streets). Performances can be one day only (Saturday/s recommended for maximum footfall).
3. Artist residency in an empty shop space (which will be open to visitors at advertised times to be agreed) during the festival period.
Participatory works are encouraged for strands 2 and 3.
Fees: There is a small artist stipend available for exhibiting artists and hotel accommodation provided for the artist in residence. All materials, equipment and fixings/fittings to be supplied by the artist.
To apply: Outline proposals with supporting images of new or existing works. Please stipulate which strand(s) you are interested in (1. window view shop unit, 2. public spaces or 3. micro residency). Please include your estimated budget including travel / return delivery costs. Email: alicebradshaw.co.uk@gmail.com
Deadline: Monday 19th September.
For more information visit http://contemporaryrubbish.wordpress.com/
Opportunity Location
Brighouse Festival
Email: alicebradshaw.co.uk@gmail.com
Website: http://contemporaryrubbish.wordpress.com/