Agatha's Closet / Opportunities / Sat 30 Mar 2013
Young Women Journo's wanted for new on-line magazine

Agathas Closet is a new project for young women creating a sisterhood in Torbay that raises the bar on expectation and aspiration. Its all about young women exploring who they are, who they can be and getting some projects going that work on the confidence they need to make their lives happen.
To back it up we're starting work on an online mag that puts a young woman's spin on everything here in the Bay and the rest of the world. We have access to some amazing events, places and people but really how it looks will all be down to the young women who develop it, design it, run it and make it their own.
So if you're between 13 and 25, a young woman, have shed loads of energy and you love a challenge, work well under stress and just want to write, talk, interview, blog, vlog, pod and make it all happen get in touch!
Over the year we'll be developing a series of workshops with other people who design and distribute publications, who write on main stream newspapers and who like being in the spotlight. We'll be looking at PR, marketing, branding, advertising and profiling to develop real skills that you can take anywhere. or you can stage a take over bid and we'll support you to turn this into a sustainable young women's co-op - how awesome would that be!