Agatha's Closet / Events / Mon 28 Apr 2014 to Sat 19 Dec 2015 (2 year)
The County Set : Sewing Workshops: Mondays 1pm to 3pm

The County Set is one of our new ways of getting everyone sewing.
Upstairs at Agatha's Closet are two sewing rooms. The County Set will bring people together to explore sewing, dress making and different forms of needlecraft with a view to making products that can be sold at Summer Fetes, County Shows, Craft Fairs and our own Handmade South West Festival. Anyone who is a 'maker' will take home the money their products sell for and we claim only a small fee for materials used.
The County Set is run by experienced tutors with a vast array of skills so whether you already have needlecraft skills and want to enjoy working with others or have no past experience this is a brilliant group to get involved with and see where your skills can take you.
The County Set happens every Monday afternoon from 1pm to 3pm. Please feel free to just come along and join in or give us a call on 07957930196 for more information.
For more information visit http://www.agathascloset.org/
Event Location
Website: http://www.agathascloset.org/