Agatha's Closet / Events / Mon 28 Apr 2014 to Mon 28 Dec 2015 (2 year)
Go Knit! : learn to knit : 10 to 12pm Monday mornings.

Go Knit! is a great place to learn to knit or if you're already a knitter come and enjoy knitting with others in our lovely new woollen room Upstairs at Agatha's Closet.
Happening every Monday morning from 10am to 12pm we've created a social space for the group with an experienced tutor who can teach you the basics of knitting or help you to develop skills you already have. There is lots of happy banter and we work either on group projects or you can bring one of your own to explore. We want everyone to develop at a pace they feel comfortable with and encourage everyone in the group to support each other.
We are also keen to meet people who'd like to share their knitting experiences with others and can support the group to grow and develop.
We will be running knitting workshops that focus on specific areas of knitting and longer term courses. Alongside why not try crochet at our Happy Hookers Club or keep an eye out for our "Working with Wool and Other Stuff" workshops that explore how to process sheeps fleece and fibres into yarn and fabric.
For more info please either give us a call on 07957930196 or email us at agathascloset@btinternet.com. We are also on Facebook/agathascloset
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/pages/Agathas-Closet/459426314111251/?fref=ts