UH Arts + Culture

UH Arts + Culture / Events / Sat 19 May 2018

Sarah and Duck

Sarah and Duck

Join Sarah and Duck and a host of your favourite friends including The Ribbon Sisters, The Shallots, Flamingo & John and Umbrella, as they plan a birthday party for Scarf Lady in their garden. Told through a fantastic blend of puppetry, storytelling and music, Sarah and Duck’s Big Top Birthday will take you and your children on a magical adventure.

For more information visit http://www.uharts.co.uk/

Event Location

Weston Auditorium

Weston Auiditorium
AL10 9EU
AL10 9AY

Telephone: 01707 281 127
Email: uharts@herts.ac.uk
Website: http://www.uharts.co.uk/

Event Details


Performing Arts
