Tricolor / News / Fri 27 Mar 2015

St Albans Cathedral Consultation

Have your say in the redevelopment of the visitor facilities at St Albans Cathedral.

St Albans Cathedral has received initial funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) to improve its visitor facilities and the way that it interprets the Cathedral for visitors, together with the development of a wide range of learning and community programmes.

The project will tell the story of the Cathedral from Alban’s execution and burial, which made the site a centre for pilgrimage, through its medieval life as a Benedictine Abbey to the Victorian restoration and creation of the Cathedral as we know it today.

We are currently working on the final bid for full project funding from HLF. As part of this bid, we are developing a range of projects, activities, events, workshops and opportunities for residents and tourists to engage people in a creative and fun way with the incredible heritage of St Albans Cathedral.

We need your support in two different ways:

1. Tell us what you and your group think about what the community needs and how the St Albans Cathedral project could improve people’s lives by clicking on the Community Group survey at and filling in the survey.

2. As well as speaking to community groups, we are also keen to hear the opinions of the general public. You can help us share the survey so as many people as possible have their say by sharing this link to the Public Survey: or by requesting hard copies of the survey and leaflets which we are more than happy to send to you.

For more information or to request hard copy surveys please contact

News Location

St Albans Cathedral

Cathedral and Abbey Church of St Alban
St Albans
Hertfordshire AL1 1BY


News Details
