
TrestleTheatre / Events / Fri 19 Jan to Fri 29 Mar 2024 (2 months)

Mirna Una Majer Exhibition

Mirna Una Majer Exhibition

I’m Mirna, an Artist from London who recently moved to St Albans for a quieter life and to hear myself think. I’m a painter, poet, nature lover, wild forager, Maharishi Guide and advocate for self-sustainable, eco-friendly living.

Portraiture, photography and life drawing have heavily influenced my practice, which began in 2005. It’s evolved through my experience of attending creative courses at my local college, gaining a BA Hons degree in Fine Art Mixed Media and then taking on a two-year internship at a community farm, where I lived on site, exploring my professional practice with earth materials.

My work revolves around a multitude of themes and I’m currently exploring the harmonies of chaos and structure intertwined with the ancient art of sacred geometry. This exploration has developed through my journeys across the globe, to India and Morocco where the culture is rich in colour and spirituality.

My portrait commissions work with deep healing magic, harnessing self-love, and transitioning into the afterlife.

I’ve also facilitated and led workshops in art therapy and life drawing for many years- specialising in interactive participatory art that engages growth in communities. The core of what I teach is embracing the process itself and not the outcome.

During my time exhibiting at Trestle Arts Base, I will be offering a variety of FREE workshops (full details will be available online soon) or speak to me at Trestle where I will be hanging out, and doing some live painting.

I am the Founder of Wild Earth Alchemy, you can read more about my art practice, visit my shop and contact me at / @Mirna.Una

Workshop dates will be announced soon.

Entry is free and the exhibition is open during our normal Arts Base hours, please click here for more information. For enquiries about the exhibition space at Trestle, please contact our Gallery Programmer Elaine Johnson at | 01727 850950

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Event Location

Trestle Arts Base

Russet Drive
St Albans

Telephone: 01727 850 950

Event Details
