TrestleTheatre / Events / Fri 10 Jan to Fri 07 Feb 2014 (1 month)
Jo Howe, Echoes of Fragrant Voices exhibition

To launch a new year of exhibitions within the Gallery Café, Trestle is delighted to feature the work of local artist Jo Howe, displaying a unique collection of artworks inspired by and produced from books.
Using a variety of intricate cutting, folding and rolling techniques, the use of the book as a sculptural object playfully reworks its formal components allowing the ‘reader’ to experience something altogether new.
jhowe0@gmail.com / www.howeunique.co.uk / 0788 443 8671
The exhibition is open during normal Trestle Arts Base opening hours and entry is free.
Please visit the Gallery Café page for opening times.
For enquiries about the exhibition space at Trestle, please contact our Gallery Programmer, Elaine Johnson on gallery@trestle.org.uk / 01727 850950
For more information visit http://www.trestle.org.uk/exhibition-echoes-of-fragrant-voices/