After a Summer of fabulous workshops, we are delighted to announce the line-up of performances for the ALL ABOUT US Festival!
Tickets (where required) will need to be booked for all those attending including carers and support workers and be sure to let us know of any access requirements at the time of booking. Each performance event is either free or on a sliding scale to ensure as many people as possible can access the performances. Please choose ticket prices according to what you can afford however additional donations are always welcome.
Monday 3rd October, 2-3 pm
Location: St Albans Cathedral, Sumpter Yard, St Albans, AL1 1BY
Venue Contact 01727 890210
This event will feature a variety of singing groups and choirs presenting their own pieces and also coming together to all perform a brand new song using their own words, written and arranged by Music 24, in the beautiful and historic setting of the Nave at the Abbey.
Including performances from the SING OUT Choir and The Daylight Cub
Tickets: £2/£5/£10 (Additional donations welcome)
For more information visit https://www.trestle.org.uk/whats-on/2022/10/1/all-about-us-festival-performance-events
Event Location
St Albans Cathedral
Sumpter Yard, St Albans
Telephone: 01727 890 210
Email: takingpart@trestle.org.uk
Website: https://www.trestle.org.uk/whats-on/2022/10/1/all-about-us-festival-performance-events