The Alban Arena

The Alban Arena / Events / Sun 19 Apr 2015

Miami Pro World Championships

Miami Pro World Championships

If fitness and hard bodies is your thing, then this show is for you. We have top models and famous athletes competing from all over the world for the WORLD Championshp title, so if you're a fitness model, then come and compete at this prestigious event. Categories include Fitness Model, Fitness Model Junior and over 35s, Ms Bikini, Figure and much more.

Spectators will be spoiled for choice, and with over 300 fitness models entering our last event, you'll have a hard time choosing the winners!

Come and be part of the biggest fitness model championsips in the UK and Europe!

For more information visit

Event Location

Alban Arena

Civic Centre
St Albans

Telephone: 01727 844 488

Event Details
