Suzanne Rider / Events / Tue 07 May to Thu 07 Nov 2024 (6 months)
‘Wise Woman’, myths and stories

I got an email today about a new book from one of my favourite authors, Sharon Blackie.
The book is a collection of myths and folktales celebrating the power and wisdom of women.
‘Ungainly giantesses. Sequin-strewn fairy godmothers. Misunderstood witches. Fierce grandmothers. Hairy-chinned hags. Craggy crones.’
Sounds great!
Published by Virago the book isn’t out until October 2024 but it can be pre-ordered either through a bookshop or online. Pre-order numbers are a good early indicator of a book’s likely success, and this can lead to retailers increasing their initial orders for it, so ensuring that the book will be available on publication in bookshops and more likely that a book will show up in search results and recommendations.
For more information go to: https://sharonblackie.net/wise-women/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
For more information visit https://sharonblackie.net/wise-women/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
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Website: https://sharonblackie.net/wise-women/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email