St Albans Organ Festival / Events / Sat 08 Jul 2017
London Lawyers’ Symphony Orchestra and Chorus

Pablo Urbina conductor
DUKAS Sorcerer’s Apprentice
GERSHWIN An American in Paris
At just 28 years of age, the young Spanish conductor Pablo Urbina is quickly becoming one of the rising stars of his generation.
London Lawyers’ Music is a thriving amateur performing music society which provides its members and audiences with opportunities to enjoy thrilling music making. Their membership has historically come from lawyers at all stages of their careers (law students, trainees, pupils, solicitors, barristers, partners and judges), but many of its members have tenuous links with the legal profession, or indeed none at all! Common to them all, however, is a love of music and a wish to achieve the highest performance standards possible.
This performance is presented as part of the IOF Fringe.
For more information visit https://www.internationalorganfestival.co.uk/evening-concerts/london-lawyers%E2%80%99-symphony-orchestra-and-chorus
Event Location
St Saviour’s Church
25 Sandpit Lane, St Albans
Telephone: 01727 846 126
Email: administrator@organfestival.com
Website: https://www.internationalorganfestival.co.uk/evening-concerts/london-lawyers%E2%80%99-symphony-orchestra-and-chorus