St Albans Cathedral / Events / Thu 18 Mar 2021
Exploring the Mystery of Christ

Holy Week, starting shortly after this talk date, is the high point of the church calendar, when we are invited vividly into the contemplation of the suffering, death, and resurrection of Christ.
And yet, it can also be a perplexing season, as we are confronted with stories rife with paradox and mystery. The Orthodox theologian Andrew Louth says that ‘the main concern of theology is not so much to elucidate anything, as to prevent us, the Church, from dissolving the mystery that lies at the heart of the faith—dissolving it, or missing it altogether, by failing truly to engage with it.’ In this spirit, we will discuss key elements of classical Christology (the understanding of Christ's nature and work) in order to deepen our participation in, and contemplation of, the mystery of Christ.
Tutor: Austin Stevenson, University of Cambridge
Date and time: Thursday 18 March, 7.30-9pm
Price: £10 (£6 students)
Venue: Online via Zoom
If you’d like to attend the event but are not free to join us live, please do buy a ticket and you’ll receive the joining details (in case your plans change) and an email detailing how to get in touch for a recording of the talk.
Joining on Zoom on the night
As this talk will be hosted over Zoom, participants will need access to a device which has audio in order to be able to hear. You can also join by dialling in using a telephone, but won't be able to see the speaker or any visual aids.
Instructions for joining the talk will be sent via email between 5-5.30pm on the day of the event. If you have not received these details by 5.30pm, please call 01727 890205.
For more information visit https://www.stalbanscathedral.org/Event/exploring-the-mystery-of-christ
Event Location
Telephone: 01727 890 210
Email: mail@stalbanscathedral.org
Website: https://www.stalbanscathedral.org/Event/exploring-the-mystery-of-christ