Ver Poets - Simon Bowden / News / Wed 01 Apr 2015
Poets gather in St Albans for Kit Wright

Poets from across Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire will gather in St Albans on Monday April 27 for a reading by Kit Wright. He is the author of more than 25 books for adults and children and the winner of numerous literary awards. His themes range from the sublime to the ridiculous – sometimes both at once.
The free event at Waterstones in St Peter’s Street will also feature work by John Mole of Ver Poets, Ian McEwen of Ouse Muse and David Van Cauter of Poetry ID. Kit is a past winner of an Arts Council Writers Award, the Geoffrey Faber Memorial Prize and the Hawthornden Prize.
Kit Wright’s enjoyment of rhyme has led to him being compared to John Betjeman. The Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy called him “one of the best poets writing in Britain today.” His subjects range from the sublime to the ridiculous and his latest book, Ode to Didcot Power Station, contains extremely funny satire as well as more serious themes.
There will be a chance for members of the audience to read a short poem of their own – ideally on a theme of power or energy – or just come to listen. You’ll enjoy it!
Doors open at 7 pm and the performance starts at 7.30. Some refreshments will be provided and there is also a coffee bar in the store.