Rhythms of the World / Opportunities / Mon 17 Dec 2018


Rhythms of the World (ROTW) is looking for new Trustees to join the board.

The trustees are collectively responsible for ensuring good governance of ROTW. They are legally responsible for ensuring that ROTW complies with Charity and Company Law and must be familiar with ROTW’s Articles of Association which include the following requirements:
• Keep a register of names and addresses of members.
• Hold an Annual General Meeting, complying with the required notice periods.
• Elect a Chair and appoint new trustees.
• Appoint a secretary.
• Hold meetings of the charity and keep minutes of these.
• Prepare an annual report and yearly accounts.

Good governance includes financial management. Trustees must:
• Appoint a treasurer.
• Agree an annual budget based on predicted income and expenditure.
• Regularly review income and expenditure to ensure that ROTW remains solvent.
• Agree a reserves policy.

ROTW needs a license to hold an annual festival. ROTW is the licensee, the trustees act as licensee’s representatives and must:
• Ensure that a valid license is obtained.
• Be familiar with the conditions of the licence and ensure that these are met.
• Be familiar with the requirements to run the festival as described in the Safety File.
• Ensure that at least one trustee is present at any meeting with the licensing authority including Safety Advisory Group meetings, Event Control meetings and Debrief meetings.
• Ensure that at least one trustee is present in Event Control for the duration of the festival.
• Produce a debrief report following the festival.

ROTW is organised into functional groups including Finance, Communication, Event, Performance and Volunteers. The trustees appoint the leader of each group and each trustee will have year round consultative involvement in one of the groups to work on planning and the resolution of key issues, and to provide the trustees with an objective view on the progress of that group.

Trustees are expected to attend one Trustee and one Committee meeting monthly plus additional meetings in the month before the festival. Additional time will be required between meetings to complete activities and resolve issues.
Trustees must work throughout the weekend of the festival.
All trustees are volunteers and receive no remuneration for their time.

For more information visit https://www.rotw.uk/

Opportunity Location


Rhythms of the World
PO Box 121

Telephone: 07834 363 626
Email: volunteers@rotw.uk
Website: https://www.rotw.uk/

Opportunity Details

Opportunity Types

