Rhodes Arts Complex / Events / Thu 15 Sep 2016
Battlefield Archaeology - Lecture

An introduction to the subject of Battlefield Archaeology and its techniques, with reference to on-going research to try to pinpoint the location of the Battle of Barnet in the Wars of the Roses.
Joint lecture between the Local History Museum and the Museum.
Tickets: £6 to non-members
FREE to Local History Society Members, please call the Box Office to reserve your ticket
For more information visit http://www.rhodesbishopsstortford.org.uk/
Event Location
Bishop's Stortford Museum
Rhodes Arts Complex
1-3 South Road
Bishop's Stortford
CM23 3JG
CM23 3JG
Telephone: 01279 710 200
Email: info@rhodesbishopsstortford.org.uk
Website: http://www.rhodesbishopsstortford.org.uk/