Rhodes Arts Complex

Rhodes Arts Complex / Events / Tue 29 to Thu 31 Oct 2019 (3 days)

Half Term Children's Crafts

Half Term Children's Crafts

Halloween doesn’t need to be scary! Get ready to disguise yourself this Half Term by creating your own fantastical fairy tale mask in preparation for our pantomime, Sleeping Beauty!

Please feel free to drop in anytime between 11am - 3pm.

A free activity with no need to book.

For more information visit https://rhodesartscomplex.ticketsolve.com/shows/873610689

Event Location

Bishop's Stortford Museum

1-3 South Road,
Bishop's Stortford,
CM23 3JG

Telephone: 01279 710 204
Email: museum@rhodesartscomplex.co.uk
Website: https://rhodesartscomplex.ticketsolve.com/shows/873610689

Event Details


Arts and Crafts
