Nysa Projects

Nysa Projects / Opportunities / Fri 03 Apr 2020

Creative Makes from Household Waste and other art sessions.

Creative Makes from Household Waste and other art sessions.

Waste Not Want Not – Creative Makes From Household Waste, natural resources and other items.

Planet Munch Musical Puppet Show team are taking their work indoors, sharing creative sessions online at their blog and YouTube channel.

Join us as we explore things to make using materials found around the house and in the garden.

It would be great if you can share any ideas with us too.

Follow us on twitter @nysaprojects and Facebook @nysaprojects

So far we have the following sessions:

Make a beautiful Recycled Flower Mobile

Make a Recycled Moon Man and Zoom to the Moon with Grethe.

Heads and Shoulders Knees and Toes Dance Off.

Make a Greedy Spaghetti Troll -he's coming for your pasta.

Make your own juggling balls

Learn to juggle

Creative sessions to come, includng some slightly longer projects.

Rubbish Reef – Fishy Seascapes

Corking Characters

Mini Me’s

Shoe Box Houses

The puppets are in rehearsal to bring you some music and movement sessions fingers crossed for the following..

I'm Chick Pea Come and Dance with Me

Groove in the Roots

Butternut Posh and Ronny Radish

Any ideas please get in touch and let's create!

For more information visit https://nysa.co.uk/blog/fun-things-indoors-creative-makes-household-waste-items-angie-anton-mack

Opportunity Location


3 Castle Mead

Telephone: 07980 315 580
Email: kerry@nysa.co.uk
Website: https://nysa.co.uk/blog/fun-things-indoors-creative-makes-household-waste-items-angie-anton-mack

Opportunity Details


Arts and Crafts

Opportunity Types

