Herts Visual Arts / News / Mon 21 Mar 2022
Welcome to Spring, HVAF publishes it's Spring newsletter

Welcome to Spring
Our beautiful Quarterly Newsletter is available to read online, but also we have printed copies available too!
Printed copies can be picked up from area coordinators, so don't forget to pop over to local your area meetings and collect a couple, one for you and one for a friend.
Issue 5 has a range of articles including:
* The very first St Albans Spring Festival - will you take part?
* Filming in England - are looking for creatives to support this very busy and growing industry
* Marketing Your Art using LinkedIn. Are you using this social media platform to grow your art business?
* Our Featured Artist in this issue is Sculptor Martin Bushell.
Once again I'd like to thank all our contributors for putting this together, and for all the amazing work (done in their spare time) on behalf of HVAF. At the moment everyone is busy preparing for all the stunning events we have coming up this year. What will you join in with?
Sally Taylor
Chair, HVAF
For more information visit https://www.hvaf.org.uk/news
News Location
Across Hertfordshire
Email: enquiries@hvaf.org.uk
Website: https://www.hvaf.org.uk/news