Herts Visual Arts / Events / Mon 01 to Wed 31 Mar 2021 (1 month)
Makers' Fair

#BigMakersFair 2021 - Objects of Desire runs from 1st - 31st March, with 3 live events 19th, 20th, 21st March.
#BigMakersFair is a fantastic virtual celebration of our artisan-makers across Hertfordshire as they share their work, creations and gifts. It's a great experience for our visitors and artists alike. (Artist registration opens 12th February 2021).
Throughout March, the Big Makers Fair will showcase creativity through an exhibition, gallery tour, videos (meet the maker, studio tours, artists at work) flipbook/video and social media live. Participating artists will be using the hashtag #BigMakersFair, collated onto the our social media wall. An evening on-line Private View on Friday 19th March will kick off a Makers Fair Live weekend. Saturday/Sunday 20th/21st March, when Herts Visual Arts will live-stream artist tours and presentations, enabling visitors to experience live-media, video and more on HVA and other social media accounts.
With a focus on Objects of Desire, imagine a beautiful large hall, full of tables/displays of gorgeous, individual, high-quality hand-crafted objects ... our inaugural event is now bringing these tables to the public, virtually.
Our virtual, live 2021 event will now be a fabulous on-line showcase: Visitors can expect a wide-ranging, exciting and enticing array of work: textiles, ceramics, jewellery, sculpture, glass, mixed media, paintings, printing, photography and more.
For more information visit https://www.hvaf.org.uk/our-events/makers-fair
Event Location
Email: admin@hvaf.org.uk
Website: https://www.hvaf.org.uk/our-events/makers-fair