#HertsChristmasArts 2020 runs from 14th November - 31st December 2020. We’re taking full advantage of our website and strong social media presence to create Christmas Showcase. #HertsChristmasArts is a fantastic virtual celebration where visual artists across Hertfordshire can share their work, seasonal creations and gifts. It will be a great experience for our visitors and artists alike.
Members can simply update their Gallery to put a seasonal image at the top, then also select the Christmas Showcase Theme. There is no charge to participate, but members are encouraged to complete this before 21st November in order to feature in our seasonal flipbook and video.
Non-members can also take part by signing up as members first. Membership (that runs to 31st March 2021) is currently half-price. Joining as a member now also means you can take part in our January Conference and also (subject to separate fee and available places) our March table-top Makers Fair. What are you waiting for?
For more information visit https://www.hvaf.org.uk/artists
Opportunity Location
Email: admin@hvaf.org.uk
Website: https://www.hvaf.org.uk/artists