Hertfordshire Music Service

Hertfordshire Music Service / Events / Sun 04 Dec 2016

Music for a December Afternoon - Waltham Cross

Music for a December Afternoon - Waltham Cross

Come and enjoy tea and cake and some wonderful music provided by some talented recorder players and other instrumentalists.

Starting at 3pm.
The Broxbourne Recorder Ensemble and RAGS, a recorder group for adults, will be joining together to provide music by Susato, Mozart, Gershwin and some festive classics.

The concert will also feature some solo instrumental items performed by students and teachers from The Broxbourne Music Centre.

If you would like to join us tickets are available to reserve at:
or at the door

£5 Adults £3 Children
Ticket price to include tea and cake

For more information visit http://www.hertsmusicservice.org.uk/

Event Location

Christ Church

Waltham Cross

Email: broxbournemusicenquiries@hertfordshire.gov.uk
Website: http://www.hertsmusicservice.org.uk/

Event Details
