Hertford Castle / Events / Sat 24 Aug 2019
Hertford Castle Open Air Cinema - Grease

Tickets Priced at £7 per evening per person
Gates Open at 19:00 Film Starts at 20:30
Hertford Castle will host two Open Air Cinema screenings with the Castle as its backdrop. Spectators can bring along picnic chairs, snacks and sit back to relax and enjoy the movie underneath the stars. Refreshments available. This spectacular evening sold out last year so tickets must be purchased in advance.
Tickets are available from 1st February 2019 at the Town & Tourist Information Center
10-12 The Wash, Hertford SG14 1PX
01992 584322
Sponsored by Go Homes
END TIME:22:30
LOCATION: Hertford Castle
For more information visit https://www.hertford.gov.uk/events/hertford-castle-open-air-cinema-grease-553/
Event Location
Hertford Castle
Hertford Town Council
The Castle
SG14 1HR
Telephone: 01992 552 885
Email: events@hertford.gov.uk
Website: https://www.hertford.gov.uk/events/hertford-castle-open-air-cinema-grease-553/