Cracked Voices is an exciting collaboration between writer Graham Palmer and composer Jenni Pinnock which will result in a new 30 minute song cycle.
The songs will give voice to the lost tales and characters of the borderlands of North Hertfordshire. Stories from the edge where it’s wise to walk carefully.
Based on original research and focused on the ancient crossroads of the Icknield Way and Ermine Street, the project will use music to explore the way ordinary people react in extraordinary circumstances.
With the help of performers from the area, Cracked Voices will premiere in 2018 (venues currently under negotiation). Educational workshops will run alongside and feed into the performances – further details to be released soon.
Throughout the project, updates will be posted on the Cracked Voices website– hear how the project is progressing, details of workshops, performances and general musings on song cycles and stories, folklore and history. Follow us on Twitter: @crackedsongs
Alongside the song cycle itself, each song will work as a stand-alone unit and some will be arranged for choir, giving a whole host of performance options after the premiere.
A recording is also in the planning stages.
We are grateful to Grants for the Arts for providing funding for the first stage of the Cracked Voices project.
For more information visit http://www.cracked-voices.co.uk/
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Website: http://www.cracked-voices.co.uk/