Distracted by Art / Events / Sat 01 to Sun 02 Nov 2014 (2 days)

Art exhibition

Art exhibition

Art exhibition – Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd November 11am to 5pm
Shopkit, 100 Cecil Street, Watford, WD24 5AD
Free entry, free parking, toilets
Prices – greeting cards £2 each or 5 for £8, art works from £25.
Donations and a percentage of sales to Peace Hospice Care

We are a group of local artists who get-together one a week under the watchful eye of Martin Smith. We have entertained the idea of exhibiting our work but individually have not produced enough for an exhibition; so we formed a group and called ourselves Distracted by Art. The idea of putting on and exhibition seemed rather daunting initially but after some thought and mutual encouragement have found a venue, set a date, and painted furiously since. It’s not just paintings though – there’ll be glass art, jewellery, photography and greetings cards – perfect pre-Christmas inspiration and all for a great cause, so do pop in for a browse and a mince pie. We are grateful to Aquafortis Picture framers for sponsoring us and to Shopkit for providing the venue.

Event Location


100 Cecil Street
WD24 5AD

Telephone: 01923 230 325
Email: distractedbyart@btinternet.com

Event Details
