Creative Royston / Events / Thu 15 May 2014
Voluntary Arts Week: Royston Writers' Circle

This is one of our ‘write beforehand’ sessions. Members will bring a piece to read out, based on one of the following titles: ‘Pills, pastes and portions’, ‘Mist, Murk and Monday morning’ or ‘Whistle while you work’. Come along and listen or, if you want to, bring along a price of your own and decide on the night if you want to share it with us. FREE. 8pm+
Town Hall (Committee Room), Melbourn Street, Royston SG8 7DA
Want to find out more? Email roystonwriters@yahoo.co.uk
For more information visit http://www.sites.google.com/site/roystonwriterscircle/
Event Location
Town Hall (Committee Room),
Melbourn Street, Royston
Email: roystonwriters@yahoo.co.uk
Website: http://www.sites.google.com/site/roystonwriterscircle/