Creative Royston / Events / Thu 15 May 2014
Voluntary Arts Week: Royston Town Band

This rehearsal is open to all ages and most abilities...come and join in or just listen! The music will be from the band's usual repertoire. Bring your own instrument (some instruments may be available...please email in advance if you need one) and the rehearsal may not be suitable for complete beginners. FREE 7.30pm+
Tannery Drift First School, Tannery Drift, Royston SG8 5DE
Want to find out more? Roger Simons on 01763 246 829 (or email Rogfsimons@hotmail.co.uk)
For more information visit http://www.roystontownband.org.uk/
Event Location
Tannery Drift First School
Tannery Drift, Royston
Telephone: 01763 246 829
Email: rogfsimons@hotmail.co.uk
Website: http://www.roystontownband.org.uk/