Creative Royston / Events / Wed 14 May 2014
Voluntary Arts Week: Knit Barley

Knit Barley
A knitting group for all abilities (including beginners). Bring your knitting project, come and learn to knit or just socialise with knitters! We normally meet on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month. FREE. 7.30pm+
The Fox & Hounds, High St, Barley SG8 8HU
Want to find out more? Phone Belinda on 07966 775 751 (or email knitbarley@yahoo.co.uk)
For more information visit http://www.creativeroyston.org/
Event Location
The Fox & Hounds
High St, Barley
Telephone: 07966 775 751
Email: knitbarley@yahoo.co.uk
Website: http://www.creativeroyston.org/