Philip Whaites is the head gardener at Wimpole Hall, who with a dedicated staff and a team of volunteers, is currently in charge of the complete re-construction of the gardens. Tonight he will give an illustrated talk on his work concerning drainage issues, the re-planting of hundreds of trees and re-instating the Parterre, Dutch Garden and the Walled Gardens. Light refreshments.
Where: Royston Methodist Church
When: 7.30pm-9pm
Tickets £5 from Sue on 01763 243815 or walter962@btinternet.com
For more information visit https://issuu.com/thelisting/docs/programme2016
Event Location
Royston Methodist Church
Queens Road,
Telephone: 01763 243 815
Email: walter962@btinternet.com
Website: https://issuu.com/thelisting/docs/programme2016