Creative Royston / Events / Sat 24 to Sun 25 Sep 2016 (2 days)
The Royston Fringe Art Exhibition [FREE]
![The Royston Fringe Art Exhibition [FREE]](/media/creative-hertfordshire/events/the-royston-fringe-art-exhibition-free-entry-w.jpg)
This Art Exhibition is open to all artists, amateur or professional, and is free to enter. Admission is free and 70-80 paintings and other works of art will be on show. Catalogue 50p.
Saturday 24 September - 10am-5pm
Sunday 25 September - 12pm-5pm
For more information visit https://issuu.com/thelisting/docs/programme2016
Event Location
Royston Methodist Church
Queens Road,
Telephone: 07907 880 355
Email: marketing@creativeroyston.org
Website: https://issuu.com/thelisting/docs/programme2016