Creative Royston / Events / Sat 24 Sep 2016
It's Carnival! Let's Dance (preschoolers) [FREE]
![It's Carnival! Let's Dance (preschoolers) [FREE]](/media/creative-hertfordshire/events/its-carnival-lets-dance-preschoolers-free-w.jpg)
Dance Matters presents free dance sessions for pre-schoolers and their families. So many children's songs are filled with partying and fun times. We will sing, sign and dance our way through nursery rhymes and silly songs, after-all dance and carnival go hand in hand.
Where: Royston Methodist Church
When: Saturday 24 September - 9.30am and 10.00am
For more information visit http://www.dance-matters.co.uk/
Event Location
Royston Methodist Church
Queens Road,
Email: marketing@creativeroyston.org
Website: http://www.dance-matters.co.uk/