Courtyard Arts Centre / Events / Tue 03 to Sat 14 Mar 2015 (2 weeks)
Art Exhibition - Nine is 10

Artists Janice Brown, Sue Burke, Pat Cole, Myra Evans, Lis Hedge, Sarah Hopping, Liz Neave, Debby Spiby and Karin Schaffer-Keddy - a retrospective exhibition by the textile group 'Nine' featuring a wide range of embroideries and textiles, both old and new
For more information visit http://www.courtyardarts.org.uk/
Event Location
Courtyard Art Centre
The Stables
Port Vale
SG14 3AA
Telephone: 01992 509 596
Email: gallerymanager@courtyardarts.org.uk
Website: http://www.courtyardarts.org.uk/