CLP Arts & Crafts - Pam Outreach

CLP Arts & Crafts - Pam Outreach / Events / Thu 22 Mar to Thu 05 Jul 2018 (3 months)

Sewing Cafe (Morning & Evening Session Fortnightly)

Sewing Cafe (Morning & Evening Session Fortnightly)

Our sewing cafe is a new venture & has been running for a few months now
The idea is that you book in advance for one of our fortnightly sessions and use our sewing machines and equipment to produce your sewing projects.
These are not taught sessions, rather a chance to join fellow enthusiasts to complete projects you are working on already, or would like to begin.
Each month, there will be the chance to complete a group project. A written tutorial will be sourced and made available to people on this page. Fabric requirements will be shared in advance. You can then use a session (or two, if you like) to complete the project at the same time as others.
Morning session 10am -12:30pm or evening session 7pm - 9.30pm.
The cost is £6 per session. This covers use of our sewing machines and equipment as well as threads and hot drinks.
One of us will be on hand to help thread machines and offer some advice, but the idea is that experienced sewers help the beginners.
Places must be booked in advance as we have a limited number of sewing machines.

For dates & upcoming projects see our Facebook Group

Future Sewing Café dates for this academic year (Not open school Holidays)
Thursday 8th March
Thursday 22nd March
Thursday 19th April
Thursday 3rd May
Thursday 17th May
Thursday 14th June
Thursday 28th June
Thursday 5th July

CLP also runs sewing courses periodically as well as other arts & crafts
We offer a range of Arts & Crafts Courses for Adults including 3D Art, Digital Textiles, Felting (wet & dry), Patchwork, Sewing, Dress making, Crochet (Beginners & more experienced), Art Journalling, Scandi Embroidery, Well being and Social Media & IT.
We are also open to suggestions for new courses.
These courses are often heavily subsidised by our funders & very low cost.
There are also regular groups running in Crochet, Art Journalling, Sewing Café & Coffee & Crafts

CLP Arts & Crafts Facebook Page

Community Learning Partnership is a Charity No 1155750

For more information visit

Event Location

Community Learning Partnership

St Martin's Church
Muirfield Road
South Oxhey
WD19 6JD

Telephone: 020 8421 5544

Event Details
