CLP Arts & Crafts - Pam Outreach / Events / Wed 14 to Thu 15 Feb 2018 (2 days)
Art Journalling for families - Half Term Holiday Activity

Family Art Journalling half term holiday activity! 14th & 15th February, 10am -3pm at Community Learning Parnership, St Martins Church, Muirfield Road, South Oxhey, WD19 6JD. This is for parent/carers and their children aged 5+. You'll learn mixed media techniques to create your own, unique journal. Priority bookings will be given to those who have not done a family art course with us this academic year (since the beginning of August '17). No specialist knowledge required. Taught by expert artist Paula Watkins, and just £10.00 as the course is heavily subsidised by Hertfordshire Adult & Family Learning Service - HAFLS. Refreshments will be provided but please bring a packed lunch with you.
Please follow this link to make your online application: https://www.cognitoforms.com/CLPSouthOxhey/HalftermFamilyArtJournalling
For anyone wanting to know more about Art Journalling please take a look at our video https://youtu.be/qMRsiXT6HiQ
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/1628676180788070/photos/a.1632090690446619.1073741828.1628676180788070/1959019957753689/?type=3&theater
Event Location
Community Learning Partnership
St Martin's Church
Muirfield Road
South Oxhey
WD19 6JD
Telephone: 07771 992 895
Email: clp.pmoriarty@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/1628676180788070/photos/a.1632090690446619.1073741828.1628676180788070/1959019957753689/?type=3&theater