Artistsmeet / Events / Thu 25 Jul to Fri 30 Aug 2019 (1 month)
Changing Skies: Alexander James Gordon

Changing Skies - abstract landscape paintings
25th July - 30th August 2019
Open Monday - Friday 10am - 4pm
Free entry
Based in North London, Alexander creates paintings that depict abstract landscapes, using oils and a palette knife on canvas as his medium.
He is inspired by the colour and light found in everyday travels, his main influence coming from watching the ever changing sky and imagining the possibility of colour to be used within his artwork. The change of light which takes place in a very short period of time and the early rises of colour within the day, are an exciting source of inspiration and are reflected in his paintings.
The focus of each piece is from a memory of either a moment he has experienced, or a view that caught his imagination. He will reflect on the feelings of that vision to generate his colour palette.
From this starting point he encourages the painting to take its own course and finds great enjoyment in allowing the work to take unexpected turns as the work develops.
Alexander also finds colours from small marks on objects, especially if they are worn or are slightly damaged and will play with these images and thoughts as he creates his work. These additional textural layers are created towards the end of each piece, he reveals layers of colour as he manipulates the palette knife to scrape away the surface of the paint.
For more information about Artistsmeet and our upcoming exhibitions and events, please contact Elaine Johnson, Arts Development Officer
elaine.johnson@threerivers.gov.uk / 01923 776611
For more information visit http://www.facebook.com/artistsmeet
Event Location
High Street,
Telephone: 01923 727 146
Email: elaine.johnson@threerivers.gov.uk
Website: http://www.facebook.com/artistsmeet